Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Why should libraries use IM?

According to the article by Pew Internet, teens have increasingly begun to sway away from emailing and instead have to embrace instant messaging and text messaging. Because of this change, libraries have slowly begun to use IMing for virtual reference purposes. In my opinion, I think libraries should continue to use IM. It is a quick, easy way for customers that get information and because some customers prefer using the internet rather than the telephone, it is a convenience for them. Although, a majority of the libraries customers, prefer to stick with using the telephone for reference questions, I think we should still provide IM for customers that prefer not to use the telephone.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Finding feeds

I found it easier to locate feeds using the websites provided and search engines such as yahoo and google. Of the search tools Technorati was the easiest for me to use and for the most confusing. I found feeds on the latest new stories and I found feeds of blogs other people had posted. The most unusual feed I encountered was one on a "Christmas Resistance Movement."


Surprisingly, RSS was very easy to learn. I liked that I was able to subscribe to all my favorite news and entertainment websites. Because RSS was so easy to use and learn, I think I will use it at work and at home from now on. I am also going to recommend it to all my friends and family.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Web 2.0

Web 2.0 technologies are things such as Blogger, Flickr, Odeo, and YouTube. In my opinion, this things are simply to learn. I have used Blogger and YouTube before. But until I started Learning 2.0 I had never heard of Odeo or Flickr. By the time I am done with Learning 2.0 I hope to be familar with those as well as other Web 2.0 technologies.

7 and 1/2 lifelong learning habits

Lifelong learning is the idea that it is never too late or too earlier to learn. It is the idea that learning can be done beyond learning institutions.

Habits that are hardest for me:
Habit 1- "beginning with an end in mind"- i usually do not think about the outcome when i start something new.
Habit 2- "accept responsibility for your own learning"- i do not like to ask people for help.
Habit 3- " view problems as challenges"-i don't view every obstacle as a learning opportunity

Habits that are easiest for me:
Habit 4- "have confidence in yourself as a competent, effective learner"- I don't say i'm going to do something unless i'm sure i want to do it.
Habit 5- "create your own learning toolbox"- I use books to research things.
Habit 6- "use technology to your advantage"- I also use google, yahoo, and other search engines to research things i don't know.
Habit 7- "teach and mentor others"- I share and teach others about new things i learned on the internet.
Habit 7 and 1/2- "play!"- reading and exploring new things is easy for me